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The Yale Alumni Magazine is owned and operated by Yale Alumni Publications, Inc., a nonprofit corporation independent of Yale University.

The content of the magazine and its website is the responsibility of the editors and does not necessarily reflect the views of Yale or its officers.


May/June 2008
Volume 71, Number 5

Feature stories:

Extreme Makeover

Since the Peabody’s Age of Reptiles mural, dinosaurs have… evolved. We commissioned a painting that brings T. rex and kin into the 21st century.


William F. Buckley and Yale: Three Views

The Loyal Son

A new interpretation of Buckley’s legacy—one that would have surprised the man himself.

The Ideologue

After publication of God and Man at Yale, Buckley’s broadside against his alma mater, Yale struggled to contain the fallout.

The Founder

At Buckley’s Yale, Skull and Bones was still the apex of campus life, the Yale Daily News board chugged martinis at Mory’s, and, as a new-moneyed Catholic, Buckley fit in and yet didn’t fit in. But he made the place his own, and there he found his voice as a conservative.



from the editor

Vincent Scully, capitalism vs. the environment, and financial aid.

light & verity
+ Korea university sues Yale for $50 million.
+ Med school honors Trudeau for war strips.
+ Former student charged with faking transcript.
+ Trustees move toward approval of two new colleges.
+ Peru backs away from Machu Picchu pact.
+ Webwatching
+ Student art project sparks outrage.
+ Hate speech and free speech.

+ Yale’s first openly gay college master.
+ More news of Yale people.

An alumni trip that’s more about elbow grease than elbow-bending.

where they are now
Going home again—as mayor.

scene on campus
Tailors to the stars.

old yale
The difficult birth of the residential colleges.

Life is not always a mental illness.

q&a: rick levin
The care and feeding of alumni.

+ Keeping up with the Joneses, at the polls.
+ Self-help: maybe it works better in Japan.
+ Noted
+ If it sounds like neuroscience, it must be true.
+ Unconventional warfare against cancer.

arts & culture
+ Object lesson: Introducting America to the English.
+ Katrina Ballads
+ Fred Shapiro on famous quotes.
+ Bibliotheque by Gerald Murphy.
+ Calendar
+ Books by Yale authors.
+ Book review: Blood and Soil by Ben Kiernan.

sporting life
+ A national champion in squash.
+ Sport shorts

news from alumni house
Feb Club goes global.

school notes
News about your Yale school.


last look
Remember the tonette?


©1992–2012, Yale Alumni Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

Yale Alumni Magazine, P.O. Box 1905, New Haven, CT 06509-1905, USA. yam@yale.edu